Saturday, July 12, 2008


OMG I'm sitting here looking at all these people's great blogs and the awesome clothes that they are wearing and it just reminds me how much more i need a job. My money is like running on E meaning I only have like $40. That money can barely buy me 2 items of clothing at Marshall's and like nothing at plain old Macy's. Seeing people's great clothes also reminds me just how much I love fashion. I am literally dieing while waiting for a whole year to be up so I can go to fashion school. I mean like sometime people say crazy thing like "I'm to young to be going off to a college that is out of state" or just say things about my ideas that make me want to say "shut up". But I don't because I know that I am a great fashion designer. Oh My God. It feels so good getting all those random thoughts out.


karla deras said...

Shop at the goodwill! You can find pretty amazing pieces for like three dollars, no joke. LINKED YOU!

Richel said...

I seriously go to the Goodwill all the time, too!
I never really have money since all I do is babysit, but when I get even just like 10 dollars I go there so I can find great things.

Fashion Addict said...

I myself am very random at times and it does feel great to let it all out.
I hope you get to go to fashion school and don't let people put you down!

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